Game Trailer: 



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To complete the level, you have to defeat the boss (marked by a skull icon on the minimap).

There are three types of units: A melee swordsman, a miner, and a ranger. To build units, you have to click the main building in the starting room. The units gain XP when fighting the enemies that roam the randomly generated dungeon. XP is shared across units that are fighting the enemy. Leveling up a unit increases their stats.

View the detailed stats of the units by hovering over their panel in the bottom.

To afford units, you need to mine the yellow resource blocks. Hover over the resource blocks to check the remaining number of resources that can be mined. 

Note that the ranger unit requires the main building to be upgraded to level 2.

In the dungeon, you will find more resource blocks and collectibles that increase stats or replenish health.

There is also a shop that randomly appears on the map. You can sacrifice one of your units to gain a new one with new abilities. There is also a small chance to not gain a unit.

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